Saturday, August 15, 2009


As my summer is coming to an end I can see a lack of focus. One thing that gets me is I enjoy and embrace change but I also get bored, quickly, of routine. I always feel like something should be changing. Sounds like I may be good in business one day!
I’m in the middle of taking a week off from the gym. I feel my joints need a break before I get back into it hard. I’ve gained close to 25 pounds this summer thus far with a majority being muscle, which is obviously the primary goal. I’m about 250 lbs at 14.5% body fat. My ultimate goal for my first show is 265 at the same body fat so I can compete around 240 lbs. That would be ideal for me.
I know one thing that has been bothering me is how I keep changing my diet. I have read a lot this summer and each book has different but sensible eating strategies. So what I think I may do is eat the remainder of my food (because I hate to waste it) and pick one that makes the most sense, which is definitely the Huge in a Hurry strategy by Chad Waterbury. The book describes how most of your carbohydrates should come from fruit. I may put a small twist in and add some tips from the book Eating for your blood type. I can’t recall the author but he makes some amazing points.
I’m excited to see the changes my body will be going through. I know that I can make this happen. The tummy tuck and mass weight loss can’t stop me from competing and it excites me!
A few weak points I have is development in my arms. They have major trouble growing. I recently came across a technique called fasciae stretching. Basically you just try and pump blood into your arms until it fights against genetics and stretches your fasciae and allows your muscles to grow. Everybody has a pre-set size a majority of your muscles can grow. The fascia is what stops them from getting any bigger typically (if you are doing everything else correctly). I did it once day so far and it feels awesome! I’m excited to see how it works!

I will keep everyone updated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicholas: Thanks for the update and please keep us posted. I think it would be helpful to know what you may have for an average day and how often you eat.

I remember reading a book by Christopher Guerriero (he was on the video side of the June 2009 Success magazine dual disc)about obtaining multiple strategies when it comes to meeting your fitness goals. If you focus just on diet or just on exercise, when you fail at one the legs of a table can fall. So I'm glad to see you are employing multiple strategies in your body development.

Keep up the good work!!!
